Deadlines are approaching.......

Just to remind everyone-the cut off date for information to be received is Friday, March 26.

Information that is brought on or before this date ensures that your tax return will be complete, ready for signature and transmitted by the April 15 deadline.

Returns are placed in the order in which information is received.

Important Reminder: Amounts for ALL stimulus checks that you received should be included with your information. These amounts must be reported on your return or it could cause your return to be rejected. (This amount is not taxable but must be reported)

To find the amounts you received:·       

  • Go through your bank statements- generally these were received in early 2020 and between December 2020 & January 2021. We must know amounts for both of these payments to ensure your tax return is not rejected causing delays and possible additional fees.·      

  • Go to You will click on Create or View Your Account then either log into your existing account or create an account. For security you will be asked questions that only you should be able to answer.

  • ·Call the IRS-The IRS IMPACT PAYMENT PHONE NUMBER is 800-919-9835. You will be able to speak to a live representative about your stimulus check.